Kyle, that's too bad about you missing your flight and trying to blame others when you obviously arrived late:) I can't wait for our trip to Mexico with our 6:30 am flight out of LAX. We will have to leave the Delaney's house at like 3:55 am - aweson!!
Andrea, when you said that we would need to be in the right mood to find that stuff funny were you referring to the not-funny-stuff-is-funny mood because I was unfortunately not in that mood when I watched the two cartoon guys.
And more motorcycle stuff, honestly? I understand the light-hearted nature of it, but please stop. I will let all of you read my PB and it will show that everything is not rendered moot by my purchase and use of a motorcycle. There is no language in my PB that says I am entitled to receive all those blessings unless I ride a motorcycle. I think Heavenly Father's divine protection can extend to motorcycle riders - gasp! - what thought! So, seriously, no more. If it continues, I may just have to blog about others' stupid decisions in their lives. Do we want to go there? No, but everyone knows I will, everyone has made decisions far dumber than using a motorcycle, and so I never want to hear another word about it. If I get crippled in a motorcycle wreck, then you can tell me I-told-you-so for the rest of my life. If I die in a motorcycle wreck, you can say I-told-you-so at my funeral. Point being: life's dangerous i.e. obesity leads to heart disease (the #1 killer in America), guns can kill people, people die in car wrecks everyday in your cities and states, but we still eat crappy foods, drive our cars everyday, and I shoot guns all day everyday.
I don't mean to ruffle anyone's feathers, but I just wanted to get my point across. If you have any questions, feel free to call me and make your arguments just know that it is a losing argument.
I love you all.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
At Least You Can Gamble at Our Airport
Posted by Adam at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Airport Fun!
Since we all know that everyone that works at the airport is hired because they are top of their special ed class, I was "too late" to check in for my flight, even though I didn't leave for over a half hour. I am now sitting at the Las Vegas McCarren Airport (don't care how it's spelled) on standby just hoping I get on a flight to Denver and then on a flight to Omaha, Yay anti-terrorist efforts! I told the lady at the counter that since she didn't let me hurry to my flight I had no choice but to pull out my illegal nail clipper and stab her a few times. Just for fun (and the fact that I had two hours til my "maybe" flight) I got stark naked at the security gate. They got the point and no longer make anyone take their shoes and belts off nation-wide, only international flights which I understand, I'm so glad we have the right to protest. Well this is it I guess, off to Nebraska to take classes for no credit and follow dentist that are retiring next year, all for zero school credit, just to boost my resume. Well it felt good to post so quit your B'in and M'in (that's slang for bitchin and moanin)
Posted by Kyle Garrett at 7:02 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
what is a friend?
Cal has been lovin Luke's iphone for a long time now. It's crazy the way he can navigate through all the pages and links etc. A few weeks ago he was on youtube and somehow marked a video as a favorite. Now when he gets a hold of the phone he knows how to get to it. I had never watched it before, but he was always laughing at it so I decided to watch it. Depending on what mood your in when you watch it, it can be really funny. Click on the top square to the right (the 2 cartoon characters) to watch. Turn your volume up too.
Posted by Andrea Wiseman at 2:03 PM 0 comments
Alison Says Scroll Down
I want credit for my blog... look below Dad's. I published after him, but it is located before.
Posted by Andrea Wiseman at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Dad blogs again
I am looking forward to a few weeks away from work and the YSA ward. It seems like all I have been doing the last three weeks is preparing for or giving a presentation of some kind at work and church, interviewing YSA's, interviewing YSA's and interviewing YSA's. Plus I am trying to find my Provo High classmates for our 50th reunion. I even have a committee meeting when we are in Provo next week. Today I gave the same presentation on our 401(k) to 7 different groups. Half the time I am looking at faces that are saying "what is interest and how do you compound it?" Mom and I went to see Iron Man. It was good. The theater was almost empty, everyone else was in line waiting to see Indiana Jones with two theater showings at the Paso 7Megaplex. Mom and I worked in the backyard Monday planting flowers but we really paid for it later. After we were talking about how we used to be able to work all day and still walk without the help of Alieve. I have started a new exercise program. It is called the RUTWTV/WDTGP workout. It is really helping my cardio. OK, that is all I can muster for a blog tonight. I have to figure out how to find an ecclesiastical endorsement that BYU lost and the young lady is in Thailand and they wouldn't take an oral endorsement from the stake president and the girls father has called me to see what I can do. The young couple I will be doing a ring ceremony for in Reno just called to say that the stake president isn't at the church building to give them their temple recommend interview which they need because they are on their way to San Antonio tomorrow for her endowment. The Church must be true!! What is the RUTWTV/WDTGP workout you ask? It is the run upstairs to watch T.V and walk downstairs to go potty workout. Love to all,
Posted by Andrea Wiseman at 6:46 PM 0 comments
For the record i've blogged more than once... I had a primary project that spun out of control and threatened to take over my life, but I am out of the woods and learning, ever so slowly, to not be such a perfectionist. Currently Don and I are in Tucson sans the kids so I am taking the time to update on the goings on of the Don Kenney fam before I head down to the pool and then onto the spa for the afternoon. Let's see... Garrett will start speech therapy next week. While his lack of communication can be frustrating, I'm not sure I want him to begin talking, I'd like him to stay my baby for just a bit longer. My baby with an AWESOME golf swing. His form keeps getting better & better:) Now Isabella's baseball form could use some improvement, which Grandpa Russ tried to help her with last time he was visiting and to his suggestions she said "What do you know? You're old." Nice respect for your elders kid, in China you'd be put to death for a comment like that. We are trying to help her understand that while we want her to feel confident speaking her mind, she needs FILTERS. She is crossing over from little girl to little girl that wants to be a hot, cool, big girl, telling me that she won't wear her helmet as she flies down the driveway on her scooter because it looks weird and asking me if she can call her friend on the phone to talk. She already has a marriage invitation from Ethan, and Nicolas has informed her that in the event of Ethan's demise or relocation he would take the job as husband. Dream on boys. The over-the-top primary project I mentioned is an Articles of Faith memorization program. I am very proud to say that Olivia has passed off number one and is working on her second. While far less dramatic than her older sister, I am constantly reminded that her more calm demeanor doesn't mean she isn't paying attention. Her whining is off the charts right now, but when she tells me she loves me to Jesus and back it doesn't seem so bad. The sun is calling! TTFN
Love, Alison
Posted by Andrea Wiseman at 5:47 PM 0 comments
Arrested Development 2009?
I was looking up Jason Bateman on imdb and it said - Arrested Development 2009 (announced) (rumored). I'm thinking that means a movie or are they bringing the tv show back? Either way if it's true I am so excited! Andrea, I love your soda cozy. Where can I get me one? I'm sure Vegas has plenty of cheesy places to find one. The search is on.
Posted by Andrea Wiseman at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Best purchase I've made in a while
Soda Cozy-keeps my hands warm and my soda cold-awesome (These do remind me of something that my friends' parents would have in Sun Prairie-along with crystal wizard figurines and posters of WWF wrestlers). So we went camping in Gualala River Redwood Park-beautiful, lush, cold, dirty, fun, good food, and lots of fun with friends. We rented and RV which was nice. It was hard enough for me to take the plunge and go camping with kids, but if I had to do it in a tent-it wouldn't have happened. Gabrielle had so much fun-I hardly saw her. Cal was loving it too. My favorite parts were riding my bike and talking around the fire after the kids went to bed. We went with 5 other families. One of the guys there is Arnold's Travel chief of staff. He said that Arnold hits the bike everyday and lifts 3 times a week. He also said that there has been a little tension on the homefront because of the whole Arnold/Bobby Shriver airport thing. So nice to see everyone blogging! Luke has to start up P90x again tonight now that we're back. He gets very sweaty-especially when he really x's it out! you guys should post your before pics on here. Bye! Love andrea
Posted by Andrea Wiseman at 4:03 PM 0 comments
I was working at the temple Saturday morning - I was assigned to foyer greeter and in walks Sen. Harry Reid. Say what! The computer at the recommend desk must not have been working because they let him in. It was good to hear from Michelle and Grant. Grant, you are right Greg still has not posted a blog. And I think Alison and Dad have only posted once. I hope they at least read them. Come on people. I have been sick the past couple of days with a bad cold. So that kind of sucked for my Memorial Day weekend. Oh well what can you do. At least I did not have to miss work. Way to go you P90X-ers. Can't wait to see you look like the dude on the DVD.
Posted by Andrea Wiseman at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 23, 2008
Latest from Utah
For those of you that got my text - the wedding date has changed - it's now August 16. So guess what I'll be spending all my free time doing this summer? Matt was promoted to Asst. Mgr. at Kneaders so he'll be busy for the next few months. Maggie is working there too. I've been watching Jaylon on the days that she works. It's been a lot of fun. He is always so happy - nothing like his mother! We are looking forward to Mom & Dad's visits. Love to everyone.
Posted by Andrea Wiseman at 7:58 PM 0 comments
Hi Biscuitheads
Hey, it's Grant from EDH (El Dorado Hills)! Thought I'd post my semi-annual update to the blog. At least I've posted--has Gregory done one--I didn't think so. :) Wallace, great to hear that you're not planning on killing yourself. I'll be honest, I'm not going to have time to attend any funerals this year, so keep on livin' people (I'd probably go to grandma or grandpa's). I talked to Adam and I've also purchased the P90X290LbsShredderProgram. I've got about 65 "vanity pounds" that I'd like to take off, so here we go! Yes, I did talk to Adam about the dangers of motorcycle riding--that it's dangerous and scary and that bad things happen to good people when they get hit by cars while riding them. So, he's committed to me secretly to never go near a motorcyle again--he doesn't know it, but I also hypnotized him on the phone that day, so it's all good. What's up with Corbin's Obama emails? I haven't seen him this passionate about a cause since 'Teen Angel' was canceled and he went postal on the studio big wigs. Anyway, I'll be purchasing my gun before November, because gun rights will be gone if Obama wins. Also, I suggest everyone rent and watch "Roots" again because it's the cotton fields for "whitey" when Osama takes the oval. :) I really don't believe that we'll be slaves, but stranger things have happened. (like what?) Life is good here. The boys just finished school today, and Carson had his pre-school graduation. So, even if Carson turns to a life of drugs and street living, at least I can say that he graduated from "something." Lisa and I are taking Brady and Ty to Hawaii (or Mexico) in July, and Lisa's sister Ellen will be coming out to watch Karch and Ethan. The older boys deserve some alone time with us. Ethan has been doing really well with his behavior the past month or so. We really think the worms from Thailand are helping (seriously). Now, if we can just get him to stop digging into his diaper and pulling out poop and spreading it on the walls and any furntiture within reach, we will have conquered all! It was good to see mama up here last week. And what's weird is that out of the blue she said, "Grant, here's a check for $10,000 for being my favorite child." Go figure! Love you all, Grant.
Posted by Grant at 4:44 PM 0 comments
Hola again!
Obviously I wasn't serious about killing myself. I went to a kickboxing class last night and it was quite a workout! I am sore today. I learned some awesome kicks. They are not as awesome as Adam's kicks so I will have to practice. I am so glad it is Friday (except for some curious reason Ron decides to work on Fridays - hardly any other days of the week - just today when he knows I am the only one here). Hopefully, in about four months I won't have to worry about that anymore. He is supposed to be out of here. The office atmosphere will improve 110% when he is gone. Woo hoo! I don't have any plans for Memorial Day weekend. Just looking forward to having an extra day to sleep in, clean, and circumnavigate. And then I am going to Greg and Jamie's on Monday for a barbeque and to see Kyle before he leaves for Nebraska. Mom, you have to keep your skills sharp for when I have a house so you can help decorate and sew for me. I can't believe how many trips you have scheduled. Can't wait to see Mom & Dad in a few weeks!
Posted by Andrea Wiseman at 8:52 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
News from Las Vegas
I feel like I need to blog again to make up for the lost time from before. I saw the new Chronicles of Narnia movie and thought it was very good - I just wish that Mr. Tumnus was in it. Michelle got back from her trip to NYC and said that she had a really good time and she already wants to go back. She did a lot with little time and took muitas fotos. I just niddled while she was gone; I read a couple books, designed another house and did some general circumnavigating. I also "brought it" while doing my P90X workout. There is one session that is called plyometrics which means jump training. That workout has made me capable of empathizing with women who need sports bras - I feel like I need a sports bra and a corset to hold myself together while doing all the jumping! But the workouts are working!
Also, Mom, I don't think Nat was serious about killing herself so don't worry. She's been going to lots of the hottest, hippest Las Vegas clubs and bars just to try and find Mr. Right and I think that this will be her year!
As for American Idol, I don't care that much other than I got so sick of people saying, "I can promise that the winner's name will be David." I even heard it again today and almost stabbed myself in the ears just so I would never hear it again. That joke was not even funny the first time let alone the 37,422,139th time. So I hope none of you used it and if you did, shame on you. However, I am excited for So You Think You Can Dance or SYTYCD as I like to call it. That show starts tonight and I think it is way cooler than Idol. You should give it a go if you haven't ever watched because the stuff that those dancers can do blows my mind.
That's pretty much it other than I get ever more scared for this nation as I listen to/ponder political stuff. So I think I'll just bury my head in the sand and pretend that everything's okay until it reaches the tipping point and there's nothing we can do. Yay ignorance!
I love you guys
Posted by Adam at 4:53 PM 0 comments
News from Paso
It's such fun hearing from you all on the blog, except for natalie's comment a bout killing herself! (natalie, I'm meeting with some old high school friends in Utah so I'll definitely ask them about any guys they might know!) We had a good time in Palm Springs. The shopping is great and the weather wasn't too hot. Last week my time in Sac town was fun, but tiring! It was worth it to help Andrea and the best was hearing that Gabrielle loves her pink room, saying "it's the color of love". Carson had an awesome 5th birthday party while I was there. 17 5-yr olds all talking and screaming at the same time. He got more star wars stuff than he'll ever know what to do with. It was Brady's birthday, too, but he played it cool and just had a family celebration with a guys only party Sat night. Dad's in Tustin today--flew down from Paso this morning and back late tonight. We're looking forward to our first Utah trip, leaving here June 2 and driving straight to Herriman for Matt's graduation on the 3rd. We'll be there a few days and then to Vegas for Tanner's on the 13th. We'll be home less than a week and then back to Grant's on the 20th for a quick trip to the Reno temple for a sealing of a couple from our ward. Dad is doing a ring ceremony after and then we'll drive back to Grant's, going home on Sunday or Monday. Everyone take care--I love you. Mom
Posted by Andrea Wiseman at 11:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Finally people! I can't believe how long everyone (and by everyone I mean Adam & Andrea) waited to blog. I am going to get my workout on also. I joined a new gym that just opened up only five minutes away from my house. I really want to be healthy and get in shape before I get married this year. 2008 is my year! (If not I'm going to kill myself). Not much else is going on in Vegas. I saw Baby Mama last night. I thought it was funny and it even had a cute story. Just enjoying some down time at work. I'm so excited to go to New York in September! That is the only vacation I have planned so far. It would be nice to hear from the rest of the family so we know what is going on with you.
Posted by Andrea Wiseman at 9:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Hey guys!
It has been a long while for me - sorry about that. I just finished my first year of law school last Thursday!! Boy was that a tough year! I have never done something that was so intellectually challenging. I am SO glad to be done!
I also started a new workout routine (I know- same old story) which I am really enjoying. It is very hard, but I am already feeling and seeing results after only 2.5 weeks. It is called P90X and it's from Luke is also starting it so we should be mighty sexy for our Cabo trip!
Michelle is in NYC right now with her mom and Jake. He just graduated magna cum laude fro U of Hartford majoring in Theater with a minor in English. I couldn't go because I had a lame meeting on Monday for my summer externship. But I did take the Motorcycle Safety Foundation class over the weekend and got my motorcycle license. I now long for the day when I will actually own a motorcycle. Also, I sincerely appreciate everyone's concern for my safety; I kind of got after Grant for expressing his concerns for which I am sorry - I am glad to be part of a such a caring family. However, I am not soliciting advice on how dangerous motorcycles are (especially because I don't even have one). Consider Grant's advice representative for everyone else's. Also, if I do end up riding I will get safety gear made out of you-know-what so I will be totally fine.
Lastly, Andrea, try editing your posts before hand because I could hardly understand parts of it.
Posted by Adam at 8:21 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
Cmon people
ok this is getting crazy-it's like when no one gets up at testimony meeting. We are moved in and since we have been here we have had nonstop visitors (which is a good thing) Alison (whose talents are endless), Tina(who is so fun eventhough it's been almost 2nyrs it's like 2 days), and last but no least-Mom (again a lot in the talent department). My house has been transformed thanks to Alison and Mom. I feel super lazy because mom, (the one with back and leg problems and in her high 60's) is the one saying, "ok cmon let's get to home depot" "oh we should paint Gabrielle's room too". I'm like the little kid acting as if I'm being dragged around. Anyway I am very grateful to you guys for all you've done. Luke and I got callings yesterday-Luke is a ward missionary and I'm a Sunday school teacher (He said 14 yr olds, but he's not sure). I'm glad we got callings right away so we don't get to comfortable. Me, Luke, Adam, and Michelle are going to Mexico in July!!!!!! I am SO excited. Luke and I have never been away since our honeymoon. It's going to be a lot of fun going with Adam and Michelle-I'm scared/excited to see what awkward situation Adam will put us in with the locals i.e. passing gas next to people and yelling something out in spanish with his "steven" accent. gotta go Cal discfg vovered me!
Posted by Andrea Wiseman at 4:26 PM 0 comments