Friday, May 23, 2008

Hi Biscuitheads

Hey, it's Grant from EDH (El Dorado Hills)! Thought I'd post my semi-annual update to the blog. At least I've posted--has Gregory done one--I didn't think so. :) Wallace, great to hear that you're not planning on killing yourself. I'll be honest, I'm not going to have time to attend any funerals this year, so keep on livin' people (I'd probably go to grandma or grandpa's). I talked to Adam and I've also purchased the P90X290LbsShredderProgram. I've got about 65 "vanity pounds" that I'd like to take off, so here we go! Yes, I did talk to Adam about the dangers of motorcycle riding--that it's dangerous and scary and that bad things happen to good people when they get hit by cars while riding them. So, he's committed to me secretly to never go near a motorcyle again--he doesn't know it, but I also hypnotized him on the phone that day, so it's all good. What's up with Corbin's Obama emails? I haven't seen him this passionate about a cause since 'Teen Angel' was canceled and he went postal on the studio big wigs. Anyway, I'll be purchasing my gun before November, because gun rights will be gone if Obama wins. Also, I suggest everyone rent and watch "Roots" again because it's the cotton fields for "whitey" when Osama takes the oval. :) I really don't believe that we'll be slaves, but stranger things have happened. (like what?) Life is good here. The boys just finished school today, and Carson had his pre-school graduation. So, even if Carson turns to a life of drugs and street living, at least I can say that he graduated from "something." Lisa and I are taking Brady and Ty to Hawaii (or Mexico) in July, and Lisa's sister Ellen will be coming out to watch Karch and Ethan. The older boys deserve some alone time with us. Ethan has been doing really well with his behavior the past month or so. We really think the worms from Thailand are helping (seriously). Now, if we can just get him to stop digging into his diaper and pulling out poop and spreading it on the walls and any furntiture within reach, we will have conquered all! It was good to see mama up here last week. And what's weird is that out of the blue she said, "Grant, here's a check for $10,000 for being my favorite child." Go figure! Love you all, Grant.