Thursday, February 21, 2008

Shows I'm excited about

Okay I don't know who's watching what, but first i'll discuss American Idol. Love it! So much better than the previous years. The people are better looking and have more potential to be a realistic "pop star". I haven't watched the girls yet, but my pick for the boys is-Michael Johns-the Australian dude. I like the little Mormon kid too-he's kind of awkward, but he has a GREAT voice. I kind of like the rocker with the hair plastered to his head too. Oh and I think I might like the white guy with dreads too-we'll see next week. I am intersted in others' opinions. Next LOST. LOVING IT!!!!! Love the flash forwards, love everything about it. Loved the episode a couple weeks ago with all the people being super distraught about finding the plane in the ocean. What was up with that? How does it get into the ocean-we know it's not in the ocean it's on the island!?! Good stuff. My current favorite characters are Locke (cause he's super focused and doesn't care-he'll just stab you) and Saed (sp?) I like that he's back to his killing ways. charlie where are you?? Are you really gone?....................