Friday, April 4, 2008

hello-Mom thank you for your post. I am so grateful for your and Dad's testimonies and example-I know it is what sustained me through "times". I truly consider myself blessed to have been born into your home. I will be seeing you in a couple of hours since you and Dad are coming to visit. We're going out to dinner tonight with mom, dad, Grant and Lisa-hopefully we'll be celebrating Grant passing his test today!! It's like a 50% pass rate and he'll have to wait 6 months to take it again-yikes!! We were in Utah last weekend for Aidan's baptism. We were only ther fri night through mon with an all Wiseman agenda. I did see Kyle and audrey though cause she lives like 1/2 mile from our hotel. Gabrielle had fun playing the Wii-as you can see. She was boxing Kyle and bowling. She was also so excited about the snow. She cam in on Sun morn and woke us up saying, "mommy I think it snowed! Ican't believe this is happening to my life!!" She wanted to do snow angels, but that wasn't going to happen without snow pants so she settled for snowballs. 2 things that have been cemented into my head since this trip-1 I hate traveling with kids-just a big fat pain (sleep schedule jacked, eating crappy food, no toys to play with, no break, and wrestling cal so that he won't get down and jump on everything in the airport) 2 I hate the snow and cold-I am destined to live in houses with no character because I can't ever live in the cold. Love you guys!