Friday, March 7, 2008

Adam & Michelle Update

Right now Michelle is in Hartford, CT to watch her brother Jake perform. He is graduating this year as a theater major and finally has a lead role, but I can't remember the name of the play.

Michelle and I are likely going to buy a house. We made an offer with a KB Home community which they rejected. However, they just called us yesterday and told us that they dropped the base price of the home to $201,990 (that was a $27,000 drop and FYI this time last year the same home was $252,000). I say base price because we will need to upgrade a lot of things since KB Homes builds houses made out of crap if you don't upgrade. So, the final cost will probably be between $230k and $869k depending on the upgrades. With all that said, we are really excited about it because we really like this model and we will get to have our own input on a lot of the features. If you want to look at it, go to and navigate to the Las Vegas communities. The community is Sunset Ridge (community #20) and the model is the Sundown (I'm not sure that that's the name, so it's also the smallest model in that community).

This afternoon I will be speaking to the summer externship (same as internship - don't know why we can't just come together and use one name for it) coordinator to figure out where I will be working free-of-charge this summer. By "where" I mean which job in Las Vegas. I will get school credit for it plus some really valuable experience.

I am so jealous that Kyle gets to spend the summer in Nebraska aka paradise. But seriously, that's awesome, Kyle!!! Que tengas buena suerte con tu viaje a la tierra que huele de mierda!

And to Michelle K, they say that 45 is the best age for braces! "They" being other 45-year-olds with braces, but that's pretty awesome. How long do they have to be on?

Make sure to vote on the poll question! Instead of "other" I should have put the Jazz because I don't think there is any other team that stands a chance against the teams already listed.

Bom, so isso por enquanto.