Thursday, March 6, 2008

6th move in 2 years!!!!

Well we're moving again-I'm pretty happy about this move. We're going back to the house we bought 2 yrs ago in Rancho Cordova. Our renters can no longer pay rent because on of them can't work anymore due to health issues. We knew this was a possibility about a month ago and I was secretly hoping that they wouldn't be able to pay so we could move back in (their lease wasn't up until July). I'm SO sick of being in this house that I can't decorate-plus I hate that "temporary" feeling. Gabrielle is excited about her "clubhouse" under the stairs. (as I'm typing this-I think I might polish off a whole sleeve of thin mints). We'll miss our ward, but I'll still do Bunco and girl's night dinners, gym, pre-school and Luke will still work here. Our house is kind of far away from lots of stuff so since we'd have to drive 15 minutes to get all the places we need to go-we'll just come out here which is about 15 min away. I've started de-cluttering and asking myself-Do I love this? Is it worth moving? (thx flylady). I love getting rid of stuff it's so cathartic. Cal climbed out of his crib today and cracked the humidifier on the way down-ahh sad. adios Andrea